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00001 /* Test for securestorage_readdir function */
00002 #include <errno.h>
00003 #include <stdio.h>
00004 #include <string.h>
00005 #include <stdlib.h>
00006 #include <fcntl.h>
00007 #include <getopt.h>
00008 #include <dirent.h>
00009 #include <stddef.h>
00010 #include <sys/types.h>
00011 #include <sys/stat.h>
00012 #if defined(_WIN32)
00013 #include <io.h>
00014 #else
00015 #include <unistd.h>
00016 #endif
00017 #include "../src/securestorage.h"
00019 extern int errno;
00020 extern int serrno;
00022 /* MAIN */
00023 int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
00025         int c;
00026         char *path=NULL;
00027         char *new_dir=NULL;
00028         char *stat_path;
00029         static struct option longopts[] = {
00030                 {"help", no_argument, 0, 'H'},
00031                 {0, 0, 0, 0}
00032         };
00034         opterr = 0;
00035         while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "h:", longopts, NULL)) != EOF) {
00036                 switch (c) {
00037                         case 'h':
00038                                 fprintf(stdout,"Usage: %s <path>\n",argv[0]);
00039                                 break;
00040                         case 'H':
00041                                 fprintf(stdout,"Usage: %s <path>\n",argv[0]);
00042                                 break;
00043                         case '?':
00044                     fprintf(stdout,"Usage: %s <path>\n",argv[0]);
00045                     break;
00046                 default:
00047                     break;
00048         }
00049         }
00050         path = argv[optind];
00051         new_dir = argv[optind+1];
00052         if (path==NULL) {
00053                 fprintf(stdout,"Usage: %s <path> [<new_dir>]\n",argv[0]);
00054                 exit(1);
00055         } 
00057         char new_path[LCG_MAXPATHLEN+5];
00058         if (new_dir != NULL) {
00059                 sprintf (new_path, "%s/%s", path, new_dir);
00060                 if ( securestorage_mkdir(new_path, 777) < 0 ) {
00061                         int errno_save = errno;
00062                         fprintf(stderr, "securestorage_mkdir: %s\n", securestorage_error(errno_save));
00063                 }
00064         }
00065         struct dirent *ep;
00066         ss_DIR *dp;
00067         struct ss_filestatg info;
00068         int ret = 0;
00070         dp = securestorage_opendir(path);
00072         if (dp == NULL) {
00073                 int errno_save = errno;
00074                 fprintf(stderr, "securestorage_opendir: %s\n", securestorage_error(errno_save));
00075                 exit(1);
00076         } else if (dp !=NULL) {
00077                 while ( (ep = securestorage_readdir(dp)) ) {
00078                         printf("%s --> ", ep->d_name);
00079                         stat_path = calloc(1, (strlen(path) + strlen(ep->d_name) +1));
00080                         sprintf(stat_path, "%s/%s", path, ep->d_name);
00081                         ret = securestorage_statg(stat_path, NULL, &info);
00082                         int errno_save = serrno;
00083                         free(stat_path);
00084                         if(ret == -1) {
00085                                 errno = errno_save;
00086                                 fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", securestorage_error(errno_save));
00087                         }
00088                         if (info.filemode & S_IFDIR)
00089                                 printf("is a Dir\n");
00090                         else
00091                                 printf("is a File\n");  
00092                 }
00093                 securestorage_closedir(dp);
00094         } else {
00095                 int errno_save = errno;
00096                 fprintf(stderr, "couldn'r open the directory : %s\n", securestorage_error(errno_save));
00097         }
00098         if (new_dir != NULL) {
00099                 if ( securestorage_rmdir(new_path) < 0 ) {
00100                         int errno_save = errno;
00101                         fprintf(stderr, "securestorage_rmdir: %s\n", securestorage_error(errno_save));
00102                 }
00103         }
00105         exit (0);
00106 }

Generated on Wed May 30 09:56:30 2007 for Secure Storage Service by doxygen 1.3.5