Secure Storage Service
- Author:
- Giordano Scuderi
- and
- Diego Scardaci, Nicola Dominante
The Secure Storage service for the gLite middleware provides users with a set of tools to store in a secure way and in an encrypted format confidential data (e.g. medical or financial data) on the grid storage elements. The data stored though provided tools will be accessible and readable by authorized users only. Moreover, it solves the insider abuse problem preventing also the administrators of the storage elements to access the confidential data in a clear format. The service has been designed and developed for the grid middleware of the EGEE Project, gLite, in the context of the TriGrid VL Project.
Secure Storage documentation generated with Doxygen are available.
It is composed by few component (shown below in Fig. 1):
- Secure Storage Framework
- Keystore Service
- Keystore client API
- Lcg-like API
- Posix-like API
- CLI Programs

Fig. 1
Both CLI Commands and API use Environment Variables to know the Keystore hostname, port and DN.-
- For example:
Secure Storage Framework: is the core of the Secure Storage Service, a unix library (both archive and shared) that contains encryption/decryption functions, and other functions necessary both to API (Lcg-like and Posix-like) and CLI Programs. This framework take care of interaction with Grid Data Management System (LFC Catalog and Grid Storage Elements).
Keystore Service: is a new grid element used to store and retrieve the users key in a secure way. It is identified by a host X.509 digital certificate and all its Grid transactions are mutually authenticated and encrypted as required by the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) model.
Keystore client API: used internally from API (lcg-like and posix-like) and CLI Programs, it manage the communications with Keystore, implementing a set of functions: saving, retrieving and deleting KEY and IV to/from Keystore.
On new file creation, the
function send SAVE command to Keystore.
- Function prototype:
int ss_send_key(const char *lfn, const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv);

Fig. 2
- Fig. 2 shows you what
function do:- Open the connection with Keystore.
- Send SAVE command with request data (LFN, KEY and IV).
- Wait Keystore response: ACK or ERROR.
- Close connection with Keystore.
During file reading, the
function send GET command to Keystore.
- Function prototype:
int ss_get_key(const char *lfn, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv);

Fig. 3
- Fig. 3 shows you what
function do:- Open the connection with Keystore.
- Send GET command with requested parameters (LFN).
- Wait Keystore response: ACK (in that case KEY and IV are returned) or ERROR.
- Close connection with Keystore.
During file deletion, the
function send DELETE command to Keystore.
- Function prototype:

Fig. 4
- Fig. 4 shows you what
function do:- Open the connection with Keystore.
- Send DELETE command with requested parameters (LFN).
- Wait Keystore response: ACK or ERROR.
- Close connection with Keystore.
This functions behaves like Command Line Applications, they are the secure version of the lcg-utils API.
These are the main functions of the Secure Storage API:
- lcg_scr
- lcg_scp
- lcg_sdel
Encrypt and upload a file to Grid and register it on LFC Catalog, file are encrypted in a transparent way (secure version of the lcg_cr function).
- Function prototype:
int lcg_scr(char *src_file,char *dest_file,char *guid,char *lfn,char *vo,
char *conf_file,int insecure,int verbose,char *actual_gid);

Fig. 5
- Fig. 5 shows you what
function do:- A new random secret key is generated.
- The key and the ACL are saved on the keystore.
- The input file is encrypted inside user trusted environment.
- The encrypted file is uploaded on the Grid Storage Element.
Download a file from Grid and decrypt it, file are decypted in a transparent way (secure version of the lcg_cp function).
- Function prototype:
int lcg_scp(char *src_file,char *dest_file,char *vo,char *conf_file,
int insecure,int verbose);

Fig. 6
- Fig. 6 shows you what
function do:- Get the secret key from the keystore: this operation fails if the user is not authorized.
- Download the encrypted file on the local machine.
- Decrypt the file and save it on the local file-system.
Delete a file from Grid, associated KEY and IV are deleted if necessary (secure version of the lcg_del function).
- Function prototype:
int lcg_sdel(char *src_file,int aflag,char *se,char *vo,char *conf_file,
int insecure,int verbose,int timeout);

Fig. 7
- Fig. 7 shows you what
function do:
- Delete the selected file.
- Delete the secret key from the keystore if necessary: this operation fails if the user is not authorized.
The Posix-like API allows the developer to write programs able to manage encrypted remote files as local files. These functions allow developers to read or write encrypted file blocks stored on a remote storage elements in a simple way. The functions hide the complexity of working with encrypted remote files. In this way, users can manage remote encrypted files as they were clear local files.
- They are the secure version of the GFAL API:
Command Line Application Programs: commands integrated in the gLite User Interface to encrypt and upload, decrypt and download files on the storage elements.
Encrypt and upload a file to Grid and register it on LFC Catalog, file are encrypted in a transparent way (secure version of the lcg-cr command).
Download a file from Grid and decrypt it, file are decypted in a transparent way (secure version of the lcg-cp command).
Delete a file from Grid, associated KEY and IV are deleted if necessary (secure version of the lcg-del command).